Are You Ready to Realize Your God-Given Dreams?

Do you feel a divine calling or have dreams inspired by God that remain just out of reach?

Imagine turning these visions into your reality. This isn't just a dream; it's your divine destiny waiting to unfold.

Discover the Spiritual Vision Board Academy

Based on the transformative principles of the #1 best-selling book "Visual Prayer: How to Create a Spiritual Vision Board," our unique six-week course is designed to guide you through the journey of manifesting your God-inspired dreams.

Whether it's a personal goal, a vision of prosperity, or a path to spiritual fulfillment, our academy is here to turn your divine aspirations into tangible realities.

The SVB program is based on a simple 4-Step Process

Transformative Experience Awaits

  • Divine Alignment: Connect your personal goals with God's plan for your life.
  • Vision to Reality: Learn to use vision boards as a powerful tool to visualize and achieve your goals.
  • Empowerment and Growth: Experience God's favor as you define your dreams and set your goals, unleashing divine power and strategies in your life.
  • Community and Support: Join a community of like-minded individuals, all on a journey to fulfill their God-given purpose.

Here's What You'll Get ...

✔️4 results -driven modules that provide you with the step-by-step Spiritual Vision System

✔️Live Coaching and Q&As Calls with Dr. Cris

✔️Feedback on your vision boards during group coaching calls

✔️Digital Copy of the #1 best-selling book "Visual Prayer: How to Create a Spiritual Vision Board,

✔️A supportive community of hundreds of coaches like you

✔️And much more!

Hear from those who have walked this path and seen their dreams come to life ...

Your Journey Begins Here

Are you ready to manifest the life you've always dreamed of?

Enroll in the Spiritual Vision Board Academy now and take the first step towards a future filled with joy, success, and fulfillment.

"Amazing! Dr. Green Brown explains and connects deep spiritual wisdom to what we all know deep within already. Visualization and using affirmations are prayers and connect us back to who we are and the abundance that is out there for us! I recommend this book and process to anyone who is seeking more meaning in their lives and change in their current circumstances! Great read and the process and principles are simple and easy to connect with!"


Creative Visualization Coach

"A vision board works on the principle of the Law of Attraction. A spiritual vision board is based on your prayers turned into the pictures on your board. They help clarify the desires of your heart and bring your desires to the forefront so that it’s easy to focus on them. If you are going to create a Spiritual Vision Board make sure it takes on the full spectrum of your prayer experience."

Terri landed her dream job using the spiritual vision board process. But what's most important is that she developed a deeper relationship with God.

She became the Program Director for KISS 1041, FM Atlanta, and was able to purchase her dream home within a few years.


Former Program Director KISS 1041 FM Atlanta